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Dahlia (Tiefling Adventurer)

Dahlia is a Tiefling, former leader of a treasure hunting group. She first met the Planeswalkers at the gates of the Palace of the Titans, before splitting off from them to pursue riches with her team.

She was found and rescued by Enial in a series of ancient tunnels below the surface of Colothys, the fourth layer of Carceri, after having been attacked by a group of aberrations that lived in the darkness there. After being reunited with the rest of the Planeswalkers, she enlisted their aid to replace her lost team in recovering the treasure on her map, offering them each a cut of the loot if they help her out. She eventually revealed that her true intention was to obtain the Keyring of Olidamara. She was unsuccessful in this endeavour, however. (6,7,8, 9)

dahlia.1549343768.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/04 23:16 by helga