17. Entry Seventeen(Breaking Martigan's Pact)

(Game Date: June 12th, 2016)

Soon after returning to Sigil, Martigan was surprised to find Kari, his trainer from the Transcendent Order waiting for him at the Sylvan Wayfarer. Kari had a dire warning… a half-fiend bounty hunter sent by Bloodwing, the godfather of all Baatezu in Sigil, was hunting him and closing in on the Wayfarer quickly. Bloodwing, it seems, had discovered Martigan was in Sigil, and sought to punish him for his breach of the Pact Insidious he had struck with them before.

With the advance warning, and a little magic from the rest of the group, Martigan and Kari managed to escape to the Great Gymnasium where Martigan could be protected by his Faction. While Martigan remained hidden in relative safety, the rest of the group approached Bloodwing's minions and attempted to negotiate for his release. Unfortunately, the Baatezu (being master manipulators and dissemblers) twisted the negotiations to their advantage. One of Bloodwing's subordinates, an Amnizu named Marrow Gristlegut, demanded that the group surrender the True Name to him, in addition to assisting the Baatezu in finding and capturing the Blood War recruiter that had sold the contract to Martigan in the first place. The recruiter had failed to meet quotas and had gone into hiding to avoid his punishment, and the Baatezu wanted him back.

Knowing that turning a man over to the Baatezu, even an evil man, would mean torture and death, most of the group balked at the deal and refused. Even after negotiating down to simply capturing and torturing the recruiter for only a week, not everybody in the group could agree. Finally, acting on his own, Tobers cut a deal with Marrow Gristlegut, turning the recruiter over without the knowledge of the rest of his party.

The deal struck, Martigan was freed from both his contract and punishment for the original breach. But the literal deal with the Devil left a bad taste in the mouths of the rest of the group.

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